Welcome to the seventh Division 4 newsletter!
Greetings from the U.S.! This is our last Division 4 newsletter for 2023. We have the usual sections (officer bios, upcoming meetings, Division 4 accomplishments),
plus a few others. We have included the link for the 2024 World Congress in
Stockholm. A list of sessions can be found here. We
are well-represented in the sessions, and I look forward to seeing many of you in June! We also will hold a business meeting at the World Congress and will provide more details as we get closer to the Congress. Next year, the University of Tennessee will host
the International Oak Symposium.
It's now accepting abstract proposals. Please continue to keep us informed about your research and work.
Thank you,
Don Hodges
Deputy Coordinator, 4.02.01
Current Position: Land Health Scientist, Land and Soil Health Theme, CIFOR-ICRAF and Adjunct Faculty of Natural Resource and Computational Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Research Interests: forest ecology, soils, spatial science
Juergen Boehmer
neobiota(at)web.de, boehmer(at)geobotanik.uni-hannover.de
Deputy Coordinator, 4.02.01
Current Position: Professor of Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Geobotany, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Research Interests: forest dynamics, Pacific Island forests, invasive alien plants
Deputy Coordinator, 4.02.01
Current Position: Research Associate, Oxford Long-term Ecology Laboratory, Oxford University, UK; Senior Partner, Oxford Systematic Reviews (OXSREV)
Research Interests: knowledge management, systematic evidence evaluation, research dissemination and use, archiving forestry research, co-design of research
Deputy Coordinator, 4.03.00; Coordinator, 4.03.02
Current Position: Associate Professor of Forest management and remote sensing; College of Forestry, Oregon State University
Research Interests: forest planning, forest inventory, individual tree modeling, lidar, UAS
Coordinator, 4.02.01
Current Position: Independent researcher & Executive Officer: International Society of Tropical Foresters, San Juan, USA
Research Interests: legacy tropical forest data, tropical timbers of the Meliaceae, tropical forest ecology
Deputy Coordinator, 4.02.01
Current Position: Honorary Lecturer, Bangor University, Bangor, UK and Director, Wild Resources Ltd. Bangor, UK
Research Interests: forest inventory, non-timber forest products, sacred forests
Upcoming Division 4 Meetings and Conferences
Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR 2024)
13-17 May 2024
Hondarribia, Basque Country, Spain
Since 1975, SSAFR has
been the premier international forum for forest systems analysis, operations research (OR) and decision science
The symposium will
accept abstracts related to the following subjects: Forest Modelling; Forest management and planning; Forest transportation and supply chain optimization; Wildfire risk simulation, management and decision support; Forest
health, invasive species, and wildlife habitat management; Spatially explicit optimization; Stochastic process simulation and optimization; Quantitative forest and fire economics; Forest and watershed management; Data science and machine learning; and Forest
systems analysis under the impact of climate change
IUFRO World Congress
International Oak Symposium

Pete Bettinger received the
2023 Society of American Foresters Award in Forest Science.
The award recognizes distinguished individual research in any branch of the quantitative, economic, managerial, and/or social sciences resulting in substantial advances in forestry.
Recent Work from Division 4
Cover Forestry: Theories, Concepts and Implementation by Division 4 Officer Arne Pommerening is now available. The publisher describes the book as an approach
to forest management with over a century of history, one which applies ecological principles to the project of developing biologically diverse, structurally complex forests.
4.05.00 & 9.05.03 International Conference in Ljubljana 2023:
Deal for Green? Contribution of managerial economics, accounting, and cross-sectoral policy analysis to climate neutrality and forest management
Conference report submitted and written by Vasja Leban (Unit 4.05.02) and Lidija Zadnik Stirn (Unit 4.05.00)

Photo courtesy: Ajša Alagić (Slovenian Forestry Service)
Researchers from IUFRO Research Group 4.05.00 Managerial economics and accounting met at their annual meeting from 25 – 27 September 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The meeting
was organised jointly with the Working Group 9.05.03 Cross-sectoral policy analysis. The organizers were the University of Ljubljana, the Biotechnical Faculty, and the Slovenian Forestry Institute. The first announcement was communicated at the 2022 meeting
in Hamburg, Germany.
The Ljubljana conference attracted more than 60 participants from 16 countries. The conference took place at the Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources of the Biotechnical Faculty (University of Ljubljana). Participants first met at the get-together
evening on Sunday and on Monday the conference started. Invited lectures and parallel sessions followed the opening, and in the afternoon, a Ljubljana sightseeing tour and the conference dinner were organised. Tuesday was scheduled with interesting, invited
lecturers and parallel sessions. The second conference day concluded with the RG 4.05 business meeting and a free evening. On Wednesday 25, participants attended the post-conference field trip to the Slovenian Istra and Sežana botanical garden where we were
able to learn about truffle hunting, experience a culinary excursion, and explore the essence of Slovenian Karst and the sub-Mediterranean.
Key issues discussed at the conference encompassed the potential outcomes of Green Deal in relation to forests and forestry, the contribution of managerial economics, accounting, and cross-sectoral policy analysis to climate neutrality and forest management.
It has been mentioned that activities will likely yield additional knowledge exchange through partnerships and individual experiences. Social innovation, people participation, and improved science-policy interface will play an important role in designing measures
for green recovery and long-term sustainability of socio-ecological systems, as well as to efficiently deal with increasing global change effects, employment issues, biodiversity loss, demand for various ecosystem services, and other environmental issues on
a local and global scale.
Green Deal implemented to (forestry) national strategic documents is still insufficient; political and socio-economic context to cope with large-scale disturbances exist; environmental accounting and economic appraisal are still not sufficient. The activities
within the New European Bauhaus will minimize environmental impacts and increase societal and economic impacts by functional use of land and materials. Other incentives (e.g., Carbon Removal Regulation) will help diminishing forest degradation, deforestation,
and biodiversity loss. Sustainable provision of ecosystem services can be supported through payment for ecosystem services schemes or by social innovation, particularly in marginalized mountain areas in Europe where the perspective of employment and risk management
are becoming important.
The next Research Group 4.05.00 meeting will be organized in 2025 after the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm.
The conference proceeding was published by the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, and the Slovenian Forestry Institute (Ljubljana, 2023), and edited by Anže Japelj, Vasja Leban, Špela Pezdevšek
Malovrh and Lidija Zadnik Stirn. It has a DOI 10.20315/SilvaSlovenia.0022 and is
available online.
Conference report submitted and written by Sheng-I Yang (Unit 4.01.03) and Don Hodges (Division 4 Coordinator)

Participants at the conference. Photo courtesy: Sheng-I Yang (Unit 4.01.03)
The Joint Conference of Southern and Northeastern Mensurationists, denoted as SOMENS and NEMO, held its 2023 meeting from 8 - 10 October in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Eighty-four
people participated in the meeting, and both the U.S. and Canada were represented.
SOMENS and NEMO brings together people from various sectors to discuss and explore the latest advancements and opportunities in forest biometrics and measurements. It’s a great platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration among industry, governmental
agencies, organizations, and universities. Multiple joint conferences have been held in the past. The last one was hosted in 2018 in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
John Paul McTague and Greg Johnson delivered two keynote presentations. McTague’s talk examined two major themes of the 1993 IUFRO Conference, entitled ‘Modern Methods of Estimating
Tree and Log Volume.' Johnson took a journey with the audience to the future world of forest inventory and modeling given the advanced development of remote sensing technologies.
General sessions discussed new issues and possible solutions in forest biometrics. Special sessions focused on projects aiming to explore and expand upon the uses of the data produced
by the USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. A total of 33 presentations were given.
The 2024 joint conference of SOMENS and NEMO will be held in Vermont.

Don Hodges introduced IUFRO at the conference. Photo courtesy: Sheng-I Yang (Unit 4.01.03)
Submitted by Virginia Morales Olmos, Unit 4.05.03
SARMIENTO, M. A.; RIBAS, L. C. Payment for environmental services:a futher analysis to a comparative study of the Brazilian and Argentine perspectives. ESTUDO & DEBATE (ONLINE),
v.30, p.95 - 115, 2023.
RIBAS, LUIZ CÉSAR. Comentários críticos sobre a Política de Mudança do Clima do município de São Paulo: elementos orientativos para atuação política do Conselho Municipal do Meio Ambiente do
município de Botucatu/SP, 2023.
RIBAS, L. C. Comentários críticos sobre minuta do Decreto 11,367, de 1 de janeiro de 2023, 2023.
FREITAS, G. P.; LEITE, R. M.; RIBAS, LUIZ CÉSAR. Construção Preliminar de propostas ambientais para a plataforma política de candidato à Prefeitura Municipal de Cabreúva, Estado de São Paulo,
RIBAS, L. C. Brazilian Forest resources and MP n. 1,154 - January 1st, 2023,
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22844.51848
Do you have news for us? Hit reply and let us know! We'd love to hear from you.