Dear Colleagues,


As Coordinator of IUFRO 3.07.00 – Forest operations in the Tropic  I am pleased to invite you to join the International Symposium of Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem Sciences that will be held in Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia on September 10-15, 2013.


For any further information, kindly visit the symposium homepage:



All the best


Seca Gandaseca





Assoc. Prof. Seca Gandaseca PhD

Coordinator IUFRO 3.07 Forest Operation in the Tropics

Head of Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem Sciences Research Center – UPM

Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences

Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus


Tel. + 60 86 855473

Fax + 60 86 855416

Mobile + 60 194830370
