IUFRO NEWS 8&9, 2016
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you double issue 8&9 of IUFRO News 2016, volume 45. The newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/.
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Enjoy the read!
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
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IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress: Call for Abstracts Now Open

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2016! The Congress Scientific Committee invites submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, "Interconnecting Forests, Science and People" in 2017. All submissions must be made online: http://iufro2017.com/call-for-abstracts/

IUFRO Task Force on Biological Invasions Meets in USA

Biological invasions by non-native plants, insects, plant pathogens, mammals and other organisms are altering forest ecosystems and threatening the sustainable management of forests worldwide. The IUFRO Task Force on Biological Invasions is working on the synthesis of the current scientific knowledge on invasions as well as identifying knowledge gaps. More…

Climate Change Induces Northward Expansion of Forest Pests

Climate change is causing northward shifts in species ranges. For mobile species such as insects this will increase their access to forest ecosystems where in the past their presence and impact was limited. Against this background a workshop on "Climate induced range shifts in boreal forest pests and their ecological consequences" was organized in Sept-Îles, Québec, Canada. More…

The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability

The international conference on Soil Bio- and Eco-engineering was the fourth meeting in the series. It was hosted by the School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Australia. This conference is a unique venue for scientists and practitioners to meet and discuss advances in research and methods on slope stability, erosion & vegetation. More…

Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazards of Mountain Forests in Central Asia

Mountain forests in Central Asia provide critical provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services (ES). Investigations of the ES benefits of forests in the region include numerical weather modeling to evaluate the services of forested watersheds. An International Expert Workshop took place on 18–22 July 2016 in Kapriz Center, Baktuu – Dolonotu, Kyrgyz Republic. More…

Successful IUFRO Session on Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai'i

The purpose of the session was to better understand governance challenges related to forest landscape restoration (FLR) implementation, and options to address these. The case studies that were presented referred to situations where the context in terms of technical capacities, legal systems, tenure arrangements, economics, landscape histories, among others, differed significantly. More…

44th International Forest Students' Symposium - Regional Forests, Global Perspectives: Strengthening bonds of forestry students around the globe

The 44th International Forestry Students' Symposium (IFSS) took place from 7-23 August 2016 in Austria and Bavaria, Germany. It offered 130 students from 31 countries on 6 continents the chance to learn about forestry in Austria and exchange their experiences. More…

Forests and the Bioeconomy: Challenges and Opportunities

Read the first of a series of four interviews with the keynote speakers of the IUFRO-AO 2016 Congress in Beijing, China this October! Dr. Elspeth MacRae leads wood and fibre processing activities, including biorefinery, biodiscovery and bioplastics at Scion, New Zealand. Her keynote speech will highlight state-of-the-art biotech research and the role of bioproducts. More…

The Role of Forests in Urban Green Spaces

This is the second of a series of four interviews with the keynote speakers at the forthcoming IUFRO-AO2016 Congress. In this interview Prof. Makoto Yokohari, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan, talks about the role of urban green spaces. More…

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IUFRO News 8/9, 2016, published in mid-September 2016 by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. Available for download at: http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit www.iufro.org If you do not wish to receive IUFRO News, please send us a short note by e-mail (office(at)iufro.org). Imprint: www.iufro.org/legal/
