Dear Division 3 Community


On Behalf of the Division 3 Communications group: Woodam Chung, Dalia Abbas, Anil Kizha and Stefano Grigolato, we would like to share our Newsletter that contains important events and publications related to the work being done by officeholders in the area of Forest Operations Engineering and management.


I hope you find the information useful and informative


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All the best,






René Zamora-Cristales, PhD

Restoration Policy Global Lead

Global Restoration Initiative

World Resources Institute

10 G st. NE  Suite 800, Washington DC, 20002, USA

Direct: +1 202-780-3283  |  |  Skype: renezam  |  Twitter: @WorldResources





IUFRO Division 3 Newsletter II -  2022






The Council on Forest Engineering (COFE), the International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC), and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 3 will meet in Corvallis, Oregon.  

This year's international meeting is the in-person forum on cutting-edge scientific research and innovative practices in forest operations and engineering.  The 2nd IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Conference will be held alongside this 2022 Joint Meeting.

One Big Family – Shaping Our Future Together will focus on building a strong community of forest engineering across continents and sectors.  Together, we will learn from each other and shape our future

Registration available here



Tech advancements and trials with mechanized planting

ForestTECH 2021/22 event focussed on advancements in automated silviculture with a particular focus on mechanised planting operations – new technology, developing technologies and an insight into results from local forest trials and commercial planting operations. In short, like Europe and South America in particular, the cost and availability of labour for planting have both been major drivers to testing out mechanised planting operations here in Australasia. 

More Information Available  here



XV World Forestry Congress

The fifteenth Congress was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea, in Seoul, from 2 to 6 May 2022.  Participants at the World Forestry Congress endorsed the Seoul Forest Declaration to convey the urgent need for action to achieve a green, healthy and resilient future with forests. The Congress also heard the Youth Call for Action and the Ministerial Call on Sustainable Wood.

Source: FAO;  More Information Available  here



Upcoming events 

FORAC 20 ans - 20 years
FORAC celebrates its 20th anniversary this year! In 2002, a partnership was born between academics and industry to accelerate innovation and expertise within the Canadian forest sector. Over the years, FORAC has distinguished itself as a training and innovation center.  This congress will cover different aspects such as the history of FORAC, serious and educational games, the future of forest products, international forest industry and more. Two panels are planned: an industrial panel bringing together high-ranking people who will discuss the challenges facing the forest industry, as well as a panel bringing together former FORAC students who will explain to us how their training at FORAC influenced their career.

Where: Lac-Delage, Quebec, Canada
 May 31 – June 2, 2022
More information here


IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Student Conference
Connecting Knowledge and Minds

IUFRO Division 3 Doctoral Student Conference invites doctoral students in forest operations and forest engineering to submit research abstracts and attend an exciting student-oriented conference sponsored by IUFRO Division 3. This unique conference is designed for young, smart, and energetic researchers. Graduate students can promote their work and discuss a variety of forest operations and engineering topics in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. Field trip options: OSU McDonald Dunn Forests, Oregon Coastal Tour, Oregon Beer Tasting, and more.

Where: College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR United States
: Sept 28 – Oct 3, 2022
More information here

2022 IUFRO All Division 3/COFE/FORMEC Joint Meeting
44th Council on Forest Engineering and 54th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization eill be held in Corvallis, Oregon, United States 

Where: Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.
When: October 4 - 7 , 2022 

More information here

Small-scale Forestry International Conference 2022: Progress in Small scale Forestry beyond the Pandemic and Global Climate Change
This conference is hosted by IUFRO 3.08.00 Small-scale Forestry and University of the Ryukyus with the cooperation of IUFRO 9.06.00 Forest Law and Environmental Legislation

Where: Okinawa, Japan 
When: October 16 - 28, 2022
More information here  

The 19th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources ( SSAFR 2022)
Since 1975, SSAFR has been the premier international forum for operations researchers, systems analysts and management scientists studying forestry, natural resources management and environmental problems. 

Where: Estes Park, Colorado, USA
When: July 24 - 27, 2022
More information here  



Past events 

XV World Forestry Congress
The XV World Forestry Congress was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea From 2 to 6 May 2022 and held at the COEX Convention and Exhibition Center in Seoul. The Congress brought together global forest stakeholders to review and analyze key challenges facing the sector and ways to address these. Participation was diverse, with representation from all regions and sectors; including the public and private sector, NGOs, CSOs, scientific or professional bodies, and forestry societies, as well as those who simply care about forests and the environment.

Where: Coex, Seoul, Republic of Korea
When: May 2 - 6, 2022
More information here 

Webinar Automation in forest operations - Full automatization
The webinar was organized by IUFRO 3.01.00 in cooperation with IUFRO 3.10.00 and was moderated by Ola Lindroos (SLU University - Sweden). The programme included three contributions: Developments in Harvesting Autonomous Operation by Ola Lindroos (SLUUniversity- Sweden), Collaborative Autonomy in industrial settings – what different industries can learn from each other by Erik Daren, Per Åkesson, Martin Ryd (Combitech AB, Sweden), Automated eucalypt planter by Saulo Philipe Sebastião Guerra (FCA/UNESP - Brazil)

Where: Virtual
More information here:
Webinar 1
Webinar 2
Webinar 3

UMaine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit, Fall Advisory Meeting and Field Tour
Our advisory committee meeting was held at University of Maine Presque Isle at the Campus Center in the Aroostook Room on We will be visiting Nashville Plantation (MASN, SILC) and Weeks Brook (CTRN, JDI).

Where: Maine Presque Isle at the Campus Center in the Aroostook Room/Nashville Plantation (MASN, SILC) and Weeks Brook
More information here

Evolving with technology
The webinar theme explored how new technologies are changing and shaping the way in which silviculture activities are performed to improve survival, growth and uniformity of forest stands. This is of great significance and provides a unique opportunity for students, professionals and organisations to exchange technical and scientific knowledge and information. The webinar follows on the successful inaugural webinar hosted last year. The content covers some of the main silviculture value chain activities, both locally and abroad.
Where: Nelson Mandela University
Recording available in this link

IUFRO World Day Sept. 2021

Other past events:



Recent Publications

Unit 3.00.00 Forest operations engineering and management

  1. Chung, W., Morrissette, B., Green, P., Garrelts, B., Leshchinsky, B., Belart, F., Sessions, J., Wimer, J. and Garland, J., 2022. Effects of Pre-Bunching Trees With a Tethered Feller-Buncher on Cable Logging Productivity and Costs: A Case Study in Southern Oregon. Forest Science, 68(3), pp.325-333..  Available here  

Unit 3.01.00 Harvesting and transportation engineering

  1. Şakar, D., Aydin, A. and Akay, A.E., 2022. Essential Issues Related to Construction Phases of Road Networks in Protected Areas: A Review. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application of Forestry Engineering, 43(1), pp.219-237.Available here

Unit 3.01.01 - Road networks and transportation

  1. Lahrsen, S., Mologni, O., Magalhães, J., Grigolato, S. and Roeser, D., 2022. Key Factors influencing Productivity of Whole Tree Ground-Based Felling equipment commonly used in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (ja).  Available here  

Unit 3.03.00 - Forest ergonomics

  1. Naskrent, B., Grzywiński, W., Polowy, K., Tomczak, A. and Jelonek, T., 2022. Eye-tracking in assessment of the mental workload of harvester operators. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), p.5241.  Available here  

Unit 3.09.00 -Sustainable Forest Operations for Forest Landscape Restoration

  1. Zamora-Cristales, R., Gonzalez, M., Rachmaninoff, V., Chuaire, M.F., Vergara, W., De Camino, R., Miljanic, A., Sanchez, M., Hilton, L., Cabrera-Gaillard, C.C. and Carazo, F., 2022. Healing the Wounded Land: The Role of Public Economic Incentives in Scaling Up Restoration Efforts in Six Latin American Countries.  Available here  

Call for Papers

Forest Operation in the Tropics: Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products

Forest operations in the tropics should be carried out to promote sustainable management of tropical forests. The fact that tropical forest is well recognized as the harbors of the Earth's biodiversity has made tropical forest play an important role in the global environmental issue. More information here



The Division's area of activity includes all aspects of forest engineering (including forest infrastructure, machinery, and operational methods in all forestry practices and in all types and ages of forests); operations in forest nurseries; operations related to silvicultural activities; operational planning, management, modelling, information systems, and control; work study, payment methods and labor productivity; ergonomics, including health and safety; operations related to small-scale forestry; harvesting and in-woods utilization of both timber and non-timber forest products; logistics; and the interface between forest operations and environmental protection, including site impacts.

Photo Credit Header: Miller Timber Services, Oregon










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