Dear all,
If you want to learn more about Japanese forestry, and seeing if/how I manage to present and discuss (Swedish) forestry for a very diverse audience, you are warmly welcome to follow
an online seminar on Monday 21st October at 4 pm Japanese time.
Please note that you have to register by 10 am the same day as the seminar.
I apologize for the late information, but with a little luck some interested individual will nevertheless have the chance and possibility to join.
If you want to attend, register to the online seminar via this link
Kind regards,
// Ola Lindroos
Ola Lindroos, PhD
Professor of Forest Operations
Vice Dean for Education, Faculty of Forest Sciences
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
SE-901 83 Umeå, SWEDEN
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17
Phone: +46 90 786 86 36,
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