Dear colleagues


I hope this message finds you well.  On behalf of IUFRO  3.09.00 – working group -- Sustainable Forest Operations for Forest landscape restoration, I would like to invite you to the webinar  Four Operational Challenges to Landscape Restoration in Latin AmericaThe webinar is scheduled for October 28, 12 pm, Washington DC (GMT -4),


This webinar is a joint effort between IUFRO Division 3, The International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) and Initiative 20x20 for Landscape Restoration in Latin America.   


Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) represents not only a nature-based approach to mitigating climate change but also an opportunity to reverse land degradation that contributes to land-use carbon emissions and erodes a wide range of ecosystem services, including biodiversity. For decades, forest structure and composition have been affected by human activities in ways that cause increased risk from wildfires and other natural disasters. But the tide is turning. Countries around the globe have made important commitments to restore approximately 170 million hectares of degraded land by 2030. The magnitude of national commitments, as well as the variety of interventions needed to restore lands, require the implementation of sustainable forest operations that may differ from those used in production forestry. This webinar will share innovative strategies to overcome four operational challenges for establishing, tending, thinning, and harvesting trees in a restoration context, which will be critical in achieving global FLR targets. Modifications to current practices are needed to facilitate the cost-effective and long-term sustainable implementation of FLR interventions.


The seminar will be recorded on zoom, and the material will be distributed to the registered participants.  Three of the presentations will be in Spanish from three different countries (Perú, Chile, Guatemala)  and one in English (United States). 



Please register here:



Please share the invitation with your networks


All the best




Rene Zamora-Cristales, PhD

Forest Economist & Senior Associate

Latin America Research Coordinator

Initiative 20x20

Global Restoration Initiative

World Resources Institute

10 G st. NE  Suite 800, Washington DC, 20002, USA

Direct: +1 202-780-3283  |  |  Skype: renezam  |  Twitter: @WorldResources






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Estimado Socio de la Iniciativa 20x20,

El World Resources Institute (WRI), La Unión Internacional de Organizaciones de Investigación Forestal (IUFRO) y la Sociedad Internacional de Forestales del Trópico (ISTF) en el marco de la Iniciativa 20x20 se complacen en invitarle al seminario virtual Cuatro retos operacionales para escalar la implementación de la restauración de paisajes en América Latina y el Caribe, que se llevará a cabo el 28 de octubre, de las 12:00 a las 13:45 hrs. (Washington, DC UTC-4).

El seminario forma parte de las actividades del Grupo de Trabajo de Buenas Prácticas de la Iniciativa 20x20, la División 3.09.00 de IUFRO sobre Operaciones forestales sostenibles para la restauración de paisajes y la ISTF. 

Países alrededor del mundo ha manifestado su ambición de llevar a la restauración aproximadamente 170 millones de hectáreas en paisajes degradados al 2030. La magnitud de los compromisos nacionales requiere la implementación de operaciones sostenibles que resultan ser diferentes a las operaciones tradicionales. Este seminario en línea compartirá estrategias innovadoras para superar cuatro retos operacionales desde los viveros y establecimiento hasta el manejo y el aprovechamiento de los productos del proceso. Se necesitan operaciones forestales innovadoras y costo efectivas para la sostenibilidad en el largo plazo de la restauración.


  • Walter Vergara, WRI
  • Ruth Metzel, ISTF
  • Woodam Chung, IUFRO
  • Roger Villalobos, CATIE
  • René Zamora-Cristales, WRI
  • Marta Gonzalez, INFOR
  • Roberto Del Cid, Guatemala
  • Nate Anderson, IUFRO y USFS
  • Marioldy Sanchez, AIDER

Este evento será en español. La agenda preliminar está disponible

¡Regístrese aquí!

Saludos cordiales,  

Dr. René Zamora Cristales
Latin America Research Coordinator
Global Restoration Initiative,  Initiative 20x20

World Resources Institute



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