Dear Colleague,
The International Conference of KSFE-FETEC 2025 will be hosted by Korean Society of Forest Engineering (KSFE) on June 30 - July 2, 2025 in Seoul, South Korea. The co-organizers include Forest Engineering and Technologies Platform (FETEC) and IUFRO Division 3.01.
The KSFE-FETEC 2025 conference is to share and discuss the latest scientific and professional research work in forest operations and engineering, focusing on managing forest health, forest fires, landslides, and biomass utilization, with participation from internationally renowned researchers, practitioners, and industry stakeholders.
Presentations and papers covering the following topics will be given to priority:
· Silvicultural treatments to archive various forest management objectives
· Ecological restoration for forest sustainability
· Forest operations as a tool to manage wildfires and forest health issues
· Forest roads (planning, design, construction, and maintenance)
· Landslide risk assessment and management
· New technology development and innovation in forest engineering
· Precision forestry
· Application of artificial intelligence (AI) into today’s forest operations
· Environmental impacts from timber harvesting operations
· Logging safety and ergonomics
· Forest biomass harvesting and utilizations (bioenergy, bio-based products, etc.)
· General topics in forest engineering
You are invited to submit abstracts for presentation and posters via the conference website: The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April, 2025. Submissions will be reviewed by a scientific committee, and notification of acceptance will be sent no later than May 15th, 2024.
We look forward to meeting you in Seoul to make KSFE-FETEC 2025 a great success and a memorable event.
Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sang-Kyun Han (Chair), KSFE, Kangwon National University (South Korea)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Eker (Co-Chair), FETEC, Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr. Jungil Seo (Co-Chair), KSFE, Kongju National University (South Korea)
Prof. Dr. Abdullah E. Akay, IUFRO Division 3.01, Bursa Technical University (Türkiye)
Dr. Jae-Heun Oh, KSFE, National Institute of Forest Science (South Korea)
Prof. Dr. Han-Sup Han, Northern Arizona University (USA)