Dear colleagues:


This email is to remind you that we are accepting submissions for a special issue in the Forests Journal titled “Supply Chain Optimization for Biomass and Biofuels".  The deadline date for submissions expires on 20th August 2019. Up to now, two papers have been published and two more will be submitted in the next few weeks. Also, a few colleagues have let me know that they are considering to submit a paper to this special issue.


More details about the scope and submission process are in the document attached and on this web site:



And please, help us to spread the word about this special issue. We look forward to your submissions!



Many thanks,



Guest Editors,


Dr. Mauricio Acuna, FIRC-USC, Australia

Dr. Elena Canga, CETEMAS, Spain





Dr. Mauricio Acuna

Senior Research Fellow

FIRC/AFORA – University of the Sunshine Coast

Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC, QLD, 4558, Australia

Phone: +61 3-62291938, mobile: +61 448372340






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