Dear colleagues from Division 2,


The deadline for submission of nomination materials for IUFRO awards is May 15, 2023.  The specific awards are:


The Scientific Achievement Award:  Up to ten awards.  In recognition of distinguished individual scientific achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.


Outstanding Doctoral Research Award:  One per IUFRO Division.  To recognize path-breaking doctoral dissertations completed in the period 2018-2023 within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.


IUFRO Student Award for Excellence in Forest Science:  One per IUFRO Division.  Recognizes outstanding individual achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or equivalent) completed in the period 2018-2023, in order to encourage their further work within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.


Best Poster Award: recognizes distinguished poster presentations during the IUFRO World Congress by under-graduate students, graduate students, and individuals who completed their graduate degrees up to 7 years prior to the congress. For this award, the corresponding author of the poster indicates consideration for the award during the abstract submission process.


Further information on the awards, who is eligible to prepare nominations for consideration, and nomination forms can be found here:


You are encouraged to consider nominating colleagues and the Honours and Awards Committee looks forward to receiving the nomination materials.


All my best,


Santiago C. González-Martínez
Research Director at UMR1202 BIOGECO, Univ. Bordeaux, INRAE
Coordinator of EVOLTREE & OPTFORESTS Horizon Europe project
IUFRO Division 2 (Physiology & Genetics) Coordinator
Phone: ++33 (0)5 35 38 53 20

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