IUFRO NEWS 9&10, 2017
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you Double Issue 9&10 of IUFRO News 2017, volume 46. The newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/.
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Enjoy the read!
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
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IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress

Looking back on exciting days of high-level scientific exchange, cross-sectoral dialogue, unique networking, splendid celebrations, award presentations and inspiring talks about the future challenges of forest research worldwide. More…

Five all-Division Meetings at the IUFRO Anniversary Congress - Résumés

Five of the nine Divisions held all-division meetings in conjunction with the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress. At these all-Division meetings, researchers were brought up to date, through a number of presentations, on issues and findings pertinent to them. Read interviews with the Coordinators of these Divisions. More …

IUFRO Talk: Video Interviews with Congress Organizers and Participants

Eight Congress participants and organizers shared their thoughts on the role and relevance of forest research and IUFRO and on developments in their own fields of work. More…

Forest Insects and Pathogens in a Changing Environment: Ecology, Monitoring & Genetics

In the last few years the impact of climate change has become more and more visible also in the Mediterranean region, with forest pests and pathogens experiencing a tremendous increase in the frequency of population outbreaks and damage caused. Read a report from a recent meeting in Greece jointly held by IUFRO Working Parties 7.03.01 and 7.03.10. More…

Forest Regeneration in Changing Environments

The first international conference of IUFRO Unit 1.01.04 Forest Establishment & Early Growth Dynamics under a new title and broader theme (formerly called Forest Vegetation Management) was held on July 11-13, 2017 in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. It was organized as a joint meeting with IUFRO 2.01.15 – Whole Plant Physiology. More…


125 Years of IUFRO published on the occasion of the 125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress in Freiburg, Germany, this book summarizes the history of IUFRO since its foundation in 1892 and places special emphasis on developments in the past 25 years. More publications…

New IUFRO-EFI Young Scientists Initiative

The IUFRO-EFI Young Scientists Initiative (YSI) launched at the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress is the latest collaboration between IUFRO and the European Forest Institute (EFI). It will offer grants for short scientific visits starting from 2018. More…


The Chinese Friendship Award was presented to IUFRO President Mike Wingfield in Beijing, China, on 28 September 2017 to acknowledge his 20 years of collaboration with Chinese colleagues in the field of tree health. More awards…

New: IUFRO Logo Now with a Slogan

At the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress in Freiburg, Germany, the new slogan of IUFRO - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People - was officially launched. It will from now on be an integral part of the IUFRO logo. More…

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IUFRO News 9&10, 2017, published in late October 2017 by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit www.iufro.org If you do not wish to receive IUFRO News, please send us a short note by e-mail (office(at)iufro.org). Imprint: www.iufro.org/legal/
