IUFRO News 12, 2023
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you Issue 12 of IUFRO News 2023, volume 52!
IUFRO News Issue 10/11 is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
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With Season’s Greetings
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
To find out more about IUFRO, visit https://www.iufro.org Follow IUFRO on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News and/or contribute to the IUFRO website content, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters: office@iufro.org
Forested Landscapes in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
The IUFRO All-Division 8 Forest Environment conference on 24 to 27 October 2023 brought 150 participants from all over the world to Évora, Portugal. Global change, vulnerability and adaptive management of forested landscapes were among the key themes of the conference. More…
5th International Congress on Planted Forests (ICPF)
The ICPF is a global forum focused on planted forests held under the auspices of the IUFRO Task Force on Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society and the Bioeconomy, an inclusive expert group bringing together leading global scientists, private sector organizations, NGOs and IGOs. More…
26th IUFRO World Congress on the Horizon
Prepare for your Congress participation now! Check out updates on the Congress website, enjoy the early-bird registration discount until 15 January 2024, book a booth space, find out about pre- and post-Congress tours, and much more…
Forum on Ukraine Forest Science and Education: Needs and Priorities for Collaboration
The forum brought together Ukrainian forestry students, early and mid-career forest researchers and representatives of leading European universities and international institutions to discuss practical measures and strategic steps toward supporting sustainable forest management in Ukraine. More…
Improvement and Culture of Eucalypts
The IUFRO 2.08.03 conference with the title “Enhancing the performance and sustainability of eucalypt plantations to broaden their benefits” focused on the sustainable use of eucalyptus plantations through appropriate genetic improvement strategies and effective silvicultural practices. More…
Wood Science and Engineering in the 3rd Millennium
From 2-4 November 2023, around 100 participants from 30 countries came together at the 13th ICWSE conference in Brasov (Romania) to share the latest findings and developments in wood research. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Furniture Design and Wood Engineering. More…
2023 Joint Conference of Southern and Northeastern Mensurationists
The Joint Conference of Southern and Northeastern Mensurationists, denoted as SOMENS and NEMO, is a great platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration among industry, governmental agencies, organizations, and universities. More…
Systematic Review of Literature for Forest Science
Systematic review of literature forms the basis of any research conducted in forest science. On 11 October, more than 100 participants from 30 countries joined the online workshop titled “How to conduct Systematic Review of Literature for Forest Science and Other Disciplines” organized by the Joint IUFRO - IFSA Task Force on Forest Education. More…
Forest Management and Provision of Hydrological Functions
The FAO-IUFRO Webinar Series "Forest management and provision of hydrological functions" is comprised of three webinars held on 21 September, 19 October, and 16 November 2023, respectively: Forest Management Practices for Protection of Hydrological Functions; Forest-Water Management under Climate Change; Practical Tools for Managing the Forest-Water Nexus. More…
First Massive Open Online Course on Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Forestry
Over the last year, members of the IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry have worked diligently and creatively to launch the world’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) in forestry. More…
Episode 4 of Branching Out: The Forest Podcast
The latest podcast episode presented by IUFRO discusses the relationship between biodiversity and other services our forests provide. The topic is aligned with the IUFRO World Congress theme "Forest biodiversity and its ecosystem services". More…
New Videos: Get to Know IUFRO Division 5 Forest Products
This Division includes research on the varied factors affecting the way forest plants grow and produce woody biomass and other products and the various ways the materials are used by industries and communities. Watch a new video about the Division! More…
Congratulations to Shirong Liu!
The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the top academic institution in the nation’s fields of engineering sciences and technology, announced the enrollment of 74 new members on November 22, 2023. Professor Shirong Liu, Vice-President (Task Forces) of IUFRO, is a newly elected member belonging to CAE’s Agriculture Division. More…
Congratulations to Purabi Bose!
The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) appointed Purabi Bose as a new International Fellow for the Academy’s General section. She is the current Coordinator of IUFRO’s Division 6, Social Aspect of Forests and Forestry. More…
Congratulations to Mike Wingfield!
For the seventh consecutive year, former IUFRO President Mike Wingfield has been recognized as one of the Clarivate Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers 2023. An outstanding achievement and a testament to his impactful contributions to research! More…
Congratulations to Margarida Tomé!
Professor Margarida Tomé, IUFRO International Council representative from Portugal and Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO’s Task Force on Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future, has been nominated to receive an Honorary Doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. More…
Obituary: Michael McManus
With sadness, we pass along news of the death of Dr. Michael McManus. He was a research scientist with the US Forest Service in Hamden, Connecticut for his entire career. Dr. McManus was also very active in IUFRO’s Division 7 (from 1991-2018) and engaged in other international activities. More…
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests
A new book titled "Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in Global Forests: Spatial Variation, Impacts, and Management Implications", edited by Professors Enzai Du and Wim de Vries, was published by Academic Press in October 2023. More…
Unasylva "Towards more resilient and diverse forests"
The latest edition of FAO’s forestry flagship journal Unasylva ‘’Towards more resilient and diverse forests’’, presents novel findings and shares the state-of-the-art in models of planted forests meeting the essential objective of production. More…
The Key Principles for Scientific Publishing
The International Science Council through its Members have identified a total of eight key principles for scientific publishing. This paper is complemented by a second, evaluating the extent to which the principles are attained and identifying opportunities for reform. More...
IUFRO News Issue 12, 2023, published in mid-December 2023 by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit https://www.iufro.org/
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