IUFRO NEWS 5, 2020
Dear Reader of IUFRO News: We are happy to present to you issue 5 of IUFRO News 2020, volume 49.
Although many IUFRO activities and events scheduled for 2020 had to be postponed to 2021 or even cancelled, we are encouraged by the extraordinary level of communication that continues among IUFRO units via email, social media and online conferencing.
These activities, along with your continued communications with IUFRO Headquarters, keep our global network thriving despite the uncertainties of these times. For this, we are most grateful.
IUFRO News Issue 5 is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
You are welcome to share this newsletter with your colleagues and publish the link on your organization's website!
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
To find out more about IUFRO, just visit https://www.iufro.org and follow our blog https://blog.iufro.org/, Twitter: @iufro and IUFRO Facebook entries. IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News, contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via IUFRO Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters: office@iufro.org
Social Innovations in Forest Dependent Communities and New Challenges Posed by COVID-19
Forest dependent communities in rural and often marginalized areas are facing numerous challenges. The new IUFRO Unit 4.05.05 - Social innovation and entrepreneurship aims to contribute to research on social innovation and entrepreneurship that are potentially helpful for the development of marginalized rural areas. More…
Restoring Forests for Sustainable Development – Policies, Practices and Impacts
IUFRO‘s Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment (WFSE) has started the work on a new topic focusing on forest restoration. A special focus will be placed on the interrelationship between forest restoration and climate change. More…
International Day for Biological Diversity 2020: Our Solutions are in Nature
The International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2020 was commemorated through its first ever online-only campaign. IUFRO President John Parrotta, in his inaugural speech at the IUFRO World Congress in 2019, underlined the importance of forests as the home of an estimated 80% of the Earth's terrestrial biodiversity. More…
Governing and Managing Forests for Multiple Ecosystem Services across the Globe
The objective of this conference organized by the European Forest Institute and Swedish University of Agricultural Science and partners was to compile and synthesize the scientific evidence related to the current state of integrated forest management approaches worldwide. More…
Studying Forestry to be Part of a Solution to a Problem
Interview with IFSA President Amanubo Amos about reasons for studying forestry, challenges of international networking in times of a pandemic, and his hopes for a future where humans and nature are reconciled, acknowledging that their existence is not mutually exclusive. More…
News from IUFRO Members: Scientists obtain a thickening agent from pine and eucalyptus cellulose to produce alcohol hand sanitizer
Researchers from Embrapa Florestas (PR) have shown that microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) derived from pine and eucalyptus is an effective thickening agent and emulsifier in the production of antiseptic alcohol. More…
News from IUFRO HQ: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of IUFRO Headquarters Operations
In view of the escalating climate crisis and the increased need to more drastically pursue changes towards a low-carbon economy, the IUFRO-HQ Team decided to accelerate its measures in the transition to a more sustainable future. To this end a new carbon policy outlines best practices for reducing the carbon footprint. More…
IUFRO Spotlight #77 - Stepping up the Global Discussion on Forest Education
While there is a large body of knowledge in environmental education, research on forest education is meager. The Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education wants to raise awareness on this gap. More…
IUFRO Annual Report 2019
In 2019 we celebrated the strength and vitality of our network at the XXV IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba, the first ever IUFRO World Congress held in Latin America. In 2020 the world is all of a sudden struggling with an unprecedented global pandemic. This would have made a World Congress and many other IUFRO activities simply impossible. More…
IUFRO Blog: How I met my fellow scientists virtually
This blog site is intended to serve as a platform and discussion forum where IUFRO officeholders can share information about virtual meetings and discuss with each other. More…
Tree Diseases Can Change Entire Landscapes and Must be Taken Seriously
Plant pathogens are a serious threat to global food security. They also threaten trees, and if native tree species are wiped out, whole ecosystems shift. Read this article published in the "Conversation", by Mike Wingfield, IUFRO Immediate Past President; Brenda Wingfield; and Casparus J. Crous. More…
European Forest Governance Post-2020 / Non-wood Forest Products in Europe – A Quantitative Overview / State of the World's Forests 2020 / Biodiversity Scientists: COVID-19 Stimulus Must Safeguard Nature to Reduce Risk of Future Pandemics / Forest Microclimate Dynamics Drive Plant Responses to Warming / Call for Manuscripts on Pests, Pathogens and Invasions / News from Forest Policy and Economics. More…
Congratulations! Alfred Oteng-Yeboah to Receive John C. Phillips Memorial Medal
The John C. Phillips Memorial Medal is the highest award of the IUCN and recognizes outstanding service in international conservation. Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, who was involved in IUFRO as the Africa regional coordinator for the 2005-2011 IUFRO Task Force on Traditional Forest Knowledge, will be presented the medal at the IUCN Congress in January 2021. More…
2020 Marcus Wallenberg Prize: Model for forest growth during climate change
Joseph J Landsberg, Richard H Waring and Nicholas C Coops share the 2020 Marcus Wallenberg Prize for a model to predict forest growth in a changing climate. Satellite imagery offers the possibility to scale up the model to show how different environmental conditions affect the world‘s forests. More…
Forest Europe Photo Contest
Do you have great photos of forests and other wooded land in the pan-European region with people in forests, utilizing the forests, supporting forest workers, forest villagers and all society enjoying the forest benefits? Then why don't you take part in this photo contest. More…
Rainforest XPRIZE: Discover. Understand. Preserve.
The $10 Million Dollar Rainforest XPRIZE is a five-year competition to enhance our understanding of the rainforest ecosystem. The winning team will develop novel technologies to rapidly and comprehensively survey rain- forest biodiversity and use that data to improve our understanding of this complex ecosystem. More…
Obituary of Dr. Robert L. "Bob" Youngs
We regret to inform you that IUFRO Honorary Member Dr. Robert L. (Bob) Youngs, age 96, passed away on April 25, 2020 in Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. Dr. Youngs actively participated in the organization the XV IUFRO Congress in Gainesville, FL, USA in 1971. He served as IUFRO Division 5 Coordinator from 1982-1990. More…
IUFRO News Issue 5, 2020, published in May 2020 by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit https://www.iufro.org/
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