After a very successful joint conference in 2014, IUFRO groups 2.02.15 and 7.02.05 will have another joint conference in 2019. The attached announcement provides some detains and asks for an initial response
from those interested in either or both of these working groups
July 22-26, 2019 Extended Field Trip: July 26-30, 2019
This international meeting will address
Breeding and genetic conservation of 5-needle pines, with special reference to screening and genetics programs for resistance to White Pine Blister
rust (Cronartium ribicola). (2.02.15 IUFRO, https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20200/20215/).
Update the current state of knowledge of research in rusts (including blister rust) of forest trees (7.02.05 IUFRO,
For background on the 5-needle pine group, including proceedings from 5 of the conferences we’ve organized or sponsored since 2001, please visit the
I would like to continue to build a mailing list of those scientists interested in this subject group, so, please feel free to also send me a short note of interest.
Best regards,
Coordinator, IUFRO 2.02.15
So the final version is attached, thank you to everyone who contributed to it. Please send this around widely, particularly to potential international participants. I believe we should cap attendance at 110, given the
venue space available.
Thanks everyone, looking forward to the conference.
Ward B. Strong, Ph.D., P.Ag.
Research Scientist, Pest Resistance in Conifers
BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
Kalamalka Forestry Centre
3401 Reservoir Rd
Vernon, BC Canada V1B 2C7
Phone: 250-260-4763
Cell: 250-309-5865
Fax: 250-542-2230