Dear IUFRO Division 2 community,

Our next Division 2 Administrative Meeting will take place during the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, on Thursday June 27th, Room K12, at 18:00-20:00 CEST

The meeting room has not full videoconference capabilities, but we will try to set up a Zoom meeting so that colleagues on-line can follow the meeting too.

A fist list of topics to deal with are:

1. Meet the new Co-Coordinator of the Division, Amanda de La Torre (Northern Arizona University, USA).
2. Revamping the Physiology part of the Division (we really need help from forest physiologists to move forward with this, volunteers are very much appreciated!).
3. Appoint new officeholders for the WP/RG with vacants.
4. Action plan for new period (2024-2029): planned conferences and workshops, opinion papers, integration of early-career researchers.
5. Constitution of Task Force for development of the Division 2 video.

Please, let me know about any other items for the Agenda.

See you soon, hopefully!


Santiago C. González-Martínez
Research Director at UMR1202 BIOGECO, Univ. Bordeaux, INRAE
Coordinator of EVOLTREE & OPTFORESTS Horizon Europe project
IUFRO Division 2 (Physiology & Genetics) Coordinator
Phone: ++33 (0)5 35 38 53 20

Check out our last publications here and download the post-prints from HAL

Please notice that any emails I may send outside of working hours do not require an immediate response.