Dear Colleagues,


It is our pleasure to inform you that the book entitled, “Vegetative Propagation of Forest Trees” has been published by the National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS-Korea, in early March, 2016. The information has just been highlighted in IUFRO News, volume 45, Issue 4, 2016. The online edition (pdf) is available through the IUFRO 2.09.02 conference webpages (, section “Publications”. A link is also provided through the IUFRO webpages dedicated to the 2.09.02 Working Party “Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies”, section “Publications and references”.


Initially, we thought that it would be a 200-page book, but, owing to an overwhelming and enthusiastic response, it turned out to be a 676-page book! We are very happy with the quality of contributions. We thank all the authors for their contributions.


The book describes many different aspects of modern, vegetative propagation techniques of forest trees and is divided into two parts. Chapters in the first part deal with the current trends and status of research from a theoretical point of view. New technologies that are expected to have a major impact in future tree improvement programs, such as genomic selection and application of molecular analysis, are discussed in detail in this part. The second part is focused on a number of species of hardwoods and conifers and describes practical application of the various vegetative technologies including their use in industrial production.


Kind regards,


The Editors


YillSung Park (Canadian Forest Service) -

Jan Bonga (Canadian Forest Service) -

Heung-Kyu Moon (National Institute of Forest Science of Korea) - 


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