Dear Colleagues,


I would inform you that


the deadline to register


Joint Conference
Cost Action Fp1202 MaPFGR – EFI - EUFORGEN – FAO Silva Mediterranea – IUFRO WG 2 02 13
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Marginal and peripheral tree populations: a key genetic resource for European forests

has been extended to 17 July 2016.


Please, note that the online registration


is mandatory to attend the conference and is urgent for organizing lunches and coffee breaks.


I would also inform you that there are still places for oral presentations and posters, so


please feel free to submit your application now!


Kind regards
Fulvio DUCCI
IUFRO 2.02.13
Dr. Fulvio Ducci
Cost Action FP1202
“Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation
of  marginal/peripheral  populations  of  forest  trees  to  climate  change  in  Europe 

Tel. +39 0575 353021
Fax + 39 0575 353490
Skype: ghiandaiafd