

May 20, 2016


IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference, Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina

Important information


Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry to cope with a changing climate and environment



Dear Members of the IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party,



Registration and abstract submission are now opened!


However, due to technical problems, the maintenance of our website is delayed.

As deadlines are approaching fast, we provide below directs links:



Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2016

Deadline for registration at reduced fee: July 4, 2016


See our Conference Website for Registration Fees (here)


For confirmation of registration, you must complete the Registration Form and send the bank transfer receipt to



The updated information is available in the Conference Brochure


Upload the Conference Brochure

English version

Spanish version



A student’s scientific awarding competition is already opened



Deadline for applicants: June 15, 2016



Two travel grants from the IUFRO-SPDC Scientist Assistance Programme are available to support scientists from economically disadvantaged countries



Deadline for applicants: June 20, 2016


Here is the list of eligible countries from either low or lower-middle income economies



If interested to join our IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party and receive information, we invited you to fill in the Information Form.




More information needed?


See the Conference Website
Contact the Conference Secretariat:



Confirmed Invited Speakers


Nelly AGGANGAN (Philippines)

Maria Elena AGUILAR VEGA (Costa Rica)


Maria De Los Angeles BASIGLIO CORDAL (Argentina)

Patricia BOERI (Argentina)

Jorge CANHOTO (Portugal)

Maritza ESCALONA (Cuba)

Jens FIND (Denmark)

Miguel GUERRA (Brazil)

Cathy HARGREAVES (New Zealand)

Marie-Anne LELU-WALTER (France)

Charles A. LESLIE (USA)

Olivier MONTEUUIS (France)

Fernando NIELLA (Argentina)

Javier OBERSCHELP (Argentina)

Ricardo PENCHEL (Brazil)

Li-Wang QI (China)

Marguerite QUOIRIN (Brazil)

Luciano ROUSSY (Argentina)



We are looking forward to seeing you in la Plata!



The Conference Organizing Committee:



Jean-François Trontin -


Sandra Sharry -


Paloma Moncaleán -


Mariano Toribio -


Heung-Kyu Moon -


Jana Krajòáková -


Yill-Sung Park -




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