Dear IUFRO Division 2 member
(please excuse for multiple postings)

The first EVOLTREE Conference on "Genomics and Adaptation in Forest Ecosystems" will take place 14-17 September, 2021, at WSL Birmensdorf in Switzerland. Due to the improved situation concerning the pandemic in many countries, we decided to organize the conference in hybrid format (on-site and online). This will be one of the first opportunities to physically meet and talk about science and increase your network!

The conference focuses on the genomics and adaptation of trees and interacting species from evolutionary, demographic, ecological and conservation perspectives. It features an attractive and diverse set of keynote speakers. For more details, visit our conference website:

The abstract deadline for oral presentations and posters is 15th of June, 2021. Please log-in with your registration credentials and submit your abstract here:

Note that the on-site participation is subject to government travel restrictions that may change at short notice. To enter Switzerland, for certain countries and regions, special rules apply at the moment (i.e., a 10-day quarantine). More details and respective links can be found on the conference webpage.

EVOLTREE is a European network of research institutions and universities engaged in studying the evolution and functioning of forest ecosystems, in particular trees as the foundation species in forest stands. A prime topic in the face of ongoing climate change is to elucidate how trees, together with their associated organisms such as mycorrhizal fungi, respond to rapid environmental changes.

With best regards, the organizing committee:

Felix Gugerli, WSL
Christian Rellstab, WSL
Susanne Senn-Raschle, WSL

Dr. Christian Rellstab

Senior Researcher
Associate Editor of Tree Genetics & Genomes

Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Ecological Genetics
Swiss Federal Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf

Room: Bi MG C 39
Phone WSL: +41 44 739 2542
Phone mobile: +41 79 256 44 06
Phone home office: +41 43 536 67 15

Office days: tuesday - friday