I am a geneticist, working on temperate/Mediterranean forests.
I would be happy to help anyway you might need
Pablo González Goikoetxea, PhD
Investigador Colaborador
pgoikoetxea@neiker.eus, +34 945121348
Centro de Arkaute-ko Zentroa
Campus Agroalimentario de Arkaute - E-01080 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba) Tel: (+34) 945 121 313 / Fax: (+34) 945 281 422
Centro de Derio-ko Zentroa
Bizkaiko Parke Teknologikoa, 812.L. - E-48160-Derio (Bizkaia) Tel: (+34) 944 034 300 / Fax: (+34) 944 034 310
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De: div2 [mailto:div2-bounces@lists.iufro.org] En nombre de Sheila Ward
Enviado el: jueves, 16 de junio de 2016 19:50
Para: IUFRO Division 2 List
Asunto: [IUFRO Div 2] On developing a basic online course for tropicalforest genetics
Dear IUFRO Physiology and Genetics Division 2:
I am thinking about preparing a basic forest genetics course for the forest engineering program at the Technical Institute of the Zona Maya in Chetumal, Quintana Roo. It could be part of larger effort to establish an online course available to any interested person, perhaps available in multiple languages (English, Spanish, French). The course materials might be used for a local course, or for review. This sort of material is best given in a face-to-face class, but I think it would help a local instructor to have such materials available.
I believe is a big need for this sort of course for many tropical areas. I am wondering if anyone would be interested helping to construct this course? Credit would be given to all participants.
Sheila Ward