Dear all,


I would inform you that the deadline for submitting applications for the III call for Short Term Scientific Missions has been extended (extended call attached).


Applications will be accepted until end of February 2016 and evaluated case by case.

Missions must be concluded by March 31, 2016.


Details are provided in the attached document.


Please, feel free to spread the call and do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries


Kind regards


Fulvio Ducci



Dr. Fulvio Ducci
Chair and Grant Holder
Cost Action FP1202
“Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation
of  marginal/peripheral  populations  of  forest  trees  to  climate  change  in  Europe 

Tel. +39 0575 353021
Fax + 39 0575 353490
Skype: ghiandaiafd