Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash
At the EVOLTREE 2019 Governing Board Meeting in Aberdeen in September, an appraisal was made of all
the network activities and resources in order to help shape the current phase of EVOLTREE (2019-2022).
As a result of the decisions made and approved, only certain activities will carry on, while some will be prioritised and two new exciting activities will be initiated in early 2020.
EVOLTREE 2019 Scientific Seminar in Aberdeen and the eastern Scottish Highlands
Photo by Hayes4Com
The EVOLTREE 2019 Scientific Seminar, held on the morning of 17th September 2019 at the
James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, explored the ways in which forest tree genetics can be applied to increase
local adaptation and resilience in future forests.
During a field trip, participants learnt about the management and multiple uses of the Caledonian pinewood private estate, Glen
Tanar, as well as its demographic history and the current knowledge on genetic variation of the native Caledonian pinewoods.
Congress 2019
 Photo by Santiago C González-Martínez
Numerous researchers from EVOLTREE partner institutions attended the 2019 IUFRO Congress in Brazil
They were among the 2500 scientists who travelled from 92 countries to discuss forestry and forest research, including forest tree genetics and
genomics and contributed mostly to the Sessions organised by IUFRO Division 2 (Physiology and Genetics).
 Photo by Herbert Frank/flickr
The international
scientific conference, Genetics to the rescue: managing forests sustainably in a changing world,
will be held at the University of Avignon in France from 27 to 31 January 2020.
Organised by the H2020 project GenTree, it is for scientists in the fields of evolutionary biology, genomics, functional ecology,
conservation genetics and political sciences interested in forests as model organisms and in applying results of these fields to the global
challenge of sustainable forest management.
The two conference days (250 people max) is built around four topical sessions:
- Genomes and the environment
- Local adaptation of climate change-related traits
- Conserving and using genetic diversity
- Evolutionary management of forests
and the event also includes two
training sessions which form part of the EVOTLREE 2020 training programme and for which a limited number of grants will be
available for reimbursement of expenses:
- Genomics training session (max 70 people)
- Wikipedia edit-a-thon training session (max 25 people)
Don't wait any longer! Register or submit your abstracts
Important dates:
Submit your abstracts and posters by October 31, 2019
Early bird registration ends November 20, 2019
Registration closes January 10, 2020
Photo by
"One of the most useful summer schools that you can do as a young
Highly recommended, as it is highly practical and very focused. "
"Thanks to the summer school I have a much better understanding of the peer review process,
learned some important tips and tricks to pay attention to when submitting an article..."
These are just a couple of some very positive impressions that students of the 2019 LIFEGENMON and
EVOLTREE Summer school took away with them last August.
The summer school was on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing and on putting forest genetic monitoring knowledge transfer into
practice and took place in Pokljuka from 19 to 23 August on a high plateau above the lake Bohinj in Triglav National park in Slovenia.
Keep an eye out for upcoming EVOLTREE training courses in 2020 on the EVOLTREE website.If you are an EVOLTREE member, you can get your
expenses reimbursed for these courses!
Science to Practice event Enhancement of resin production through tree breeding: Improved
Maritime pine families
Organised by INIA
24 October 2019 in Coca, Spain
__ Conference on the 60th
Anniversary of Forest Seed Science and Technology in CroatiaClimate change and new challenges in
the production of high-quality and well adapted Forest Reproductive Material
3-4 December in Jastrebarsko, Croatia Registration open till 31 OctoberRead more
__ Training School for scientists and practitionersG-Bike COST Action Genomic
Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems (Working Groups 1 and 2)
20-22 January 2020 La Valletta in Malta Save the date! Details to be announced @gbike_cost Facebook pages
__ GenTree Final ConferenceGenetics to the rescue: managing forests sustainably
in a changing world
Organised by GenTree
27-31 January 2020 in Avignon, France Call for abstracts openRead more
End of May 2020 in Ljubljana, Slovenia Save the date! Details to be announced on the LIFEGENMON website
__ 7th IUFRO International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions in Forestry
forest tree-antagonistic interactions in a changing world
21-25 September 2020 in Pontevedra, Spain First announcement - preliminary callRead more
Chen J, Li L, Milesi P, Jansson G, Berlin M,
Karlsson B, Aleksic J, Vendramin GG, Lascoux M (2019). Genomic data provide new insights on the demographic history and the extent of recent material transfers in Norway
spruce. Evolutionary Applications 12, 1539-1551.
Mayol M, Riba M, Cavers S, Grivet D, Vincenot L, Cattonaro F, Vendramin GG, González‐Martínez SC (2019). A multiscale approach to detect selection in nonmodel tree species: Widespread adaptation despite
population decline in Taxus baccata L. Evolutionary Applications.
Bouteiller XP, Verdu CF, Aikio E, Bloese P, Dainou K, Delcamp A, De Thier O, Guichoux E, Mengal C, Monty A, Pucheu M, van Loo M, Porté AJ,
Lassois L, Mariette S (2019). A few north Appalachian populations are the source of European black
locust. Ecology and Evolution
Mosca E, Cruz F, Gómez-Garrido J, Bianco L, Rellstab C, Brodbeck S, Csilléry K, Fady B, Fladung M, Fussi B, Gömöry D,
González-Martínez SC, Grivet D, Gut M, Hansen OK, Heer K, Kaya Z, Krutovsky KV, Kersten B, Liepelt S, Opgenoorth L, Sperisen C, Ullrich
KK, Vendramin GG, Westergren M, Ziegenhagen B, Alioto T, Gugerli F, Heinze B, Höhn M, Troggio M, Neale DB (2019). A reference genome sequence for the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.): A community-generated genomic
resource. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9, 2039-2049.
Popescu F, Postolache D, Curtu AL (2019). The current state of forest genetic resources in Romania. In:
Forests of Southeast Europe Under a Changing Climate: Conservation of Genetic Resources (eds. Šijačić-Nikolić M,
Milovanović J, Nonić M). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 61-72.
Semizer-Cuming D, Krutovsky KV, Baranchikov YN, Kjaer ED, Williams CG (2019). Saving the world's ash forests calls for international cooperation now. Nature Ecology &
Evolution 3, 141-144.
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