Dear collegues, 

I am pleased to send the second announcement to the Conference of the Working Group 2.08.03 "Improvement and culture of Eucalyptus" that will take place in Uruguay on next November.

In this edition the main theme will be "Enhancing the performance and sustainability of eucalypt plantations to broaden their benefits". 
You will find detailed information for the congress, including the registration and submition of abstracts forms, at

Hope to see you all in Colonia del Sacramento

Kind regards

Gustavo Balmelli

IUFRO Deputy Coordinator Unit 2.08.03






Ing. Agr. Dr. Gustavo Balmelli

Investigador Principal

Sistema Forestal


Tel: (+598) 4632 2407

Cel: (+598) 99 835524


INIA Tacuarembó

Ruta 5, Km 386

De: Gustavo Balmelli
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 11:58
Para: <>
Cc: Brigitte Burger <>
Asunto: Save the date for IUFRO Conference of Working Group 2.08.03 "Improvement and Culture of Eucalypts"
Dear colleagues,

I send you attached the first communication about the next conference of the Working Group 2.08.03 "Improvement and culture of Eucalyptus" that will take place in Uruguay on next November.

Soon we will be sending a new communication with more detailed information.
We hope to see you all in Colonia del Sacramento

Best regards

Gustavo Balmelli

Deputy Coordinator Unit 2.08.03