Issue 9, 2024


IUFRO News 9, 2024

Dear Reader of IUFRO News:

We are happy to present to you Issue 9 of IUFRO News 2024, volume 53!

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Enjoy the read,

Alexander Buck
IUFRO Executive Director


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10th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference

Photo showing participants of PRWAC. Photo Yasuhiro Utsumi/Kyushu University, Japan

The 10th PRWAC took place in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan, on September 10-14, 2024. The was conference organized by members of the Pacific regional group of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) and offered an important platform for the exchange of ideas concerning climate change responses by focusing on the smart use of timber and trees as carbon stocks. More


TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS at Cepi Bioeconomy Lab

From the right: Carola Egger (at lectern), Ulrich Leberle, Juha Jumppanen, Henrique Vieira and Jessica Nordin. Photo IUFRO/Maja Radosavljevic

Carola Egger and Maja Radosavljevic, Partnership Managers of the TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS (TU4F) science-business platform, represented the platform at the Cepi Bioeconomy LAB in Brussels, Belgium, on 24 September 2024. - TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS is organizing a Webinar – Europe’s future forest management in a changing climate on 7 November 2024! More



Progress on the GFEP Assessment on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience

Photo showing man taking off bark of a tree. Photo IUFRO/Viola Belohrad

The Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience 2025 is comprehensively assessing available scientific information on the subject to be fed into current and upcoming global discussions and platforms to support integrated, holistic, and effective policy responses. More




9th FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference: Shaping our future with resilient forests

Photo showing Daniela Kleinschmit presenting IUFRO’s statement. Photo IUFRO/Alexander Buck

IUFRO was represented at the conference by IUFRO President Daniela Kleinschmitand Executive Director Alexander Buck. In her statement Professor Kleinschmit reaffirmed IUFRO’s strong support to FOREST EUROPE by bringing the latest scientific evidence into the continuing discussion on SFM. More




United Nations' Pact for the Future Places Emphasis on Science-Based Solutions

On 22 September, world leaders adopted a Pact for the Future – the agreement outlining the vision for a more sustainable, equitable, and peaceful world. The International Science Council, of which IUFRO is a member, is uniquely positioned to support the Pact and translate its vision into action. More



Summer School on Modeling Assisted Migration to Adapt Forests and Ecosystem Services to Climate Change

Photo showing Summer school participants. Photo BFW

The Summer School was hosted and organized by the Austrian Research Center for Forests (BFW) in collaboration with the EVOLTREE network and the Czech University of Life Sciences. Topics included climate change’s effects on European forests, adaptation options, the role of genetic diversity, and modeling data sources. More




Welcome! New IFSA President Theresa Klara Loch

Theresa Klara Loch will serve as the President of the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) for the 2024/2025 term. She is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where she focuses on social-ecological networks in biodiversity conservation. More





Restoring Forests and Trees for Sustainable Development:  Policies, Practices, Impacts, and Ways Forward

A new book by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations Special Project World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO WFSE) is now available as open access at Oxford Academic. The book takes a multidisciplinary perspective to analyze and discuss the various opportunities and challenges of restoring tree and forest cover. More




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IUFRO News Issue 9, 2024, published in early October 2024
by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.

Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit https://www.iufro.org/ 

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