Von: Im Auftrag von Harald Vacik
Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015 10:54
Betreff: Mountain Forest Management in High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia from 7-9 July 2015: new abstract deadline
Dear friend, dear colleague!
Let us kindly inform you that the extended abstract submission deadline for the conference "Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World" in Smokovce, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia from 7-9 July 2015 jointly supported by the IUFRO Unit 1.01.05 Mountain forest management & 4.03.03 Information management and information technologies (http://www.nlcsk.sk/mfm-conference) is March 20st, 2015
The abstracts should be sent to Manfred J. Lexer (mj.lexer@boku.ac.at ) using the abstract submission form at http://www.nlcsk.sk/mfm-conference/VolunteerPapers.aspx.
We hope you can participate in this conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research responding to one of the topics of the conference:
- Potentials and limitations of current management approaches to provide multiple ecosystem services
- Climate change impacts on ecosystem service provisioning in mountain forests
- Disturbance regimes in mountain forests and implications for ecosystem services
- Alternative management strategies in mountain forests and consequences on ecosystem service provisioning
- Decision support tools for mountain forest management
- Governance approaches to secure multiple ecosystem service provisioning in the future
All information regarding the conference can be found in the third call (see attachment), on the conference website or via the IUFRO group
We look forward to meeting you in High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia from 7-9 July 2015.
With best regards,
Harald Vacik deputy coordinator 4.03.03
Pil Sun Park coordinator 1.05.05