Dear Oak Managers and Scientists,


Now is the time to register for the International Oak Symposium! Please visit the website and click on the Registration tab to register for this four-day Symposium. An Agenda ‘at-a-glance’ has been posted that provides dates and times for the 12 Concurrent Sessions, 13 Plenary Speakers, and 3 Field Tours. Registration will be limited, so please register as soon as possible. Check out our promo video with some of the plenary speakers and topics.


The Symposium will be held at the Hilton Knoxville (501 W Church Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA) in the heart of downtown. The room block is currently SOLD OUT! At this time, we are not securing rooms at alternative hotels, but you can continue to check the direct online link to the Hilton for availability as some guests may cancel. Please click here to see a list of alternative hotels within walking distance and close driving distance.


Please distribute this email and share as appropriate.


Contact Stacy Clark ( or Callie Schweitzer ( for more information.


Thank you!



Forest Service Shield

Christine Martens
Science Delivery Specialist

Forest Service

Southern Research Station, Unit 4157

p: 828-667-5261 x104

1577 Brevard Rd
Asheville, NC 28806
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