Dear Chestnut mate,
Here attached the Issue nr. 7 of our Newsletter 2024 (published in June 2024).
You are receiving this newsletter as we felt that you might be interested in the initiative and we hope to involve you in the future activities of the group.
We will publish a quarterly issue to keep everyone up to date on the working group’s activities, upcoming meetings, relevant special issues and publications all dedicated to Ecology and Silviculture of Castanea species.
This issue of the Newsletter is attached and also available for download as a PDF at:

In this issue, insights into the program of the special session "Silviculture for the Bioeconomy and Ecosystem Services in Castanea Forests" that we promoted within the 26th IUFRO congress to be held in Stockholm (23 -29 June 2024).
Please feel free to share this newsletter widely with your colleagues and anyone interested in the subject (let us know if there are any changes to email addresses so we can update our contact list).
Best regards,

Enrico Marcolin
Deputy of IUFRO Working Party 1.01.13 - Ecology and Silviculture of Chestnut


Available for download at:

Contact the group members or visit our webpage at:

If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, please reply to this newsletter by e-mail  enrico.marcolin(at) 

    Enrico Marcolin
    Forest Ecology PhD - Tesaf Dept.
    University of Padova - Italy
    skype: enrico.marcolin
    zoom PMI: 836 252 5900
    phone: +39 049 827 2673